Closing the Wealth Gap via Web3 with Iris Nevins
In February 2021, Iris Nevins launched NFT studio Umba Daima, which promotes artists and educates people about Web3, and we will also talk about how we can start closing the wealth gap.
Today at 1pm EST, we’ll discuss her vision, mission, roadmap and progress to date as she — and her team — endeavor to take the “struggling” out of “struggling artist” (as Fanzo would say) and moreover, close the wealth gap via Web3.
So much for “right clicking on a JPG!”
Have any questions for Iris or just want a shoutout on air? You can potentially ask your question live or get a shoutout using $JAFFE coins which you can purchase via my creator coin link: I’ll also be giving away $JAFFE coins every episode to viewers who tune in live.
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#JosephJaffe #WealthGap #Web3